SACMEN Get a Place of Their Own

October 15, 2019

Russell Guerrero - Strategic Communications Coordinator

The San Antonio College Men Empowerment Network (SACMEN) has a new
home. Located on the 7th floor of the Moody Learning Center in the Student Learning Assistance Center (SLAC) lab, the lounge offers a dedicated place for studying, mentoring, and brotherhood for male students of color.

The room officially opened with a ribbon cutting by SAC President Dr. Robert Vela and Academic Coordinator Geraldo Guerra, who serves as an advisor to SACMEN. During a reception in the new space, Dr. Vela also participated in one of the first events in the lounge – installing new SACMEN officers for the school year.

The lounge is spacious. Over the doorway is a sign with the words Si Se Puede (We Can Do It) next to a San Antonio Spurs Banner. The room also includes computer stations, a screen and projector, and office space for two staff members. On one wall, the five pillars of the organization are displayed: Brotherhood, Identity, Leadership, Health & Wellness, and College & Career Readiness.

Guerra said the main reason for lounge is to have a place SACMEN students can come to study. “We are always concerned about the academics for our students. That’s first and foremost,” he said.  “This space was created so they can come and collaborate with one another and also do their homework.”

The lounge will also offer a place for students to spend time together. A social hour is scheduled from 2 to 3 p.m. during school days so students came talk and play games to get to know each other better. Movie nights will also be organized.

Kelvaughn George, the newly installed president of SACMEN, said the lounge will help build membership for the group. “Now that we have this area, we can recruit better,” he said. In addition, he said the lounge will be the site for programing such as a LinkedIn workshop as well as a workshop on combatting procrastination. The lounge will also host SACMAN Talks, formally known as SACMEN Platicas, monthly luncheons with community leaders.

Students interested in SACMEN are invited to stop by and visit the lounge to learn more about the group.